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IJM Supports Cultural Institution to Launch Gender and Family Guidelines in Uganda
The new handbook on family and gender guidelines spells out ways families can peacefully coexist. It also recognizes the need to hold perpetrators of...
IJM Uganda Helps Bring Justice to a Mother of Twins
“You saved me,” the mother of twins sees her husband convicted after he repeatedly assaulted her for asking him to help with child support.
Court Completes Speedy Trial in Case of Attempted Murder of a Woman at the Hands of her Partner
On July 25, 2023, after a swift three months trial, the Chief Magistrates Court in Gulu sentenced the perpetrator to 3 years of imprisonment for the...
Ugandan Teen Convicted for Sexually Assaulting a 3-year-old
Through the collaborative efforts of IJM Uganda and the local police, justice prevailed when the 19-year-old man was arrested for sexually abusing...
IJM Uganda Co-Hosts East Africa Prosecutor’s Conference
IJM Uganda, alongside other partners, supported the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions to host the Conference of the East African...
Lakot's Story
How long would you hold out for justice? How long would you work to secure a future for your children? Lakot’s story is one of great perseverance in...
Survivors of Violence in Uganda Are Increasing Awareness Through Skits
Survivor groups in Uganda perform dramas to educate the community on violence against women and children, and how to report it.
Conviction of Teacher in Uganda on Charges of Trafficking and Sexual Violence
The Ugandan High Court ruled to convict a head teacher on twelve counts including trafficking charges for his abuse of children at the school where...
IJM celebrates the launch of survivor-friendly interview space and shelter with police in Kampala
IJM and partners have launched a new survivor-friendly interview space and shelter for women and children who are victims of violence in Uganda.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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