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Tom and Debbie Koos

Tom and Debbie Koos

Tom and Debbie are originally from Iowa, and after living in 10 different states, are now residents of Westlake (Dallas area), TX. Debbie is a retired dental hygienist, and Tom is the CEO of PrimeSource Brands. Their tour around the country was primarily career and job related as Tom spent time with Newell Rubbermaid, Black and Decker, Jacuzzi Brands, and Weber Grill in various executive roles before joining PrimeSource.

They have 3 grown children – Ashley (30), Kyle (28), and Trevor (26). Ashley actually introduced them to IJM as a 15-year-old interested in human trafficking. She ultimately interned for IJM Ghana in the summer of 2019 between her first and second year of law school at Pepperdine. Her growing interest along with Tom and Debbie’s growing familiarity with IJM and the mission, including Debbie visiting the field office in Guatemala, has led them to deeper involvement with a passion to stop slavery around the world. Tom and Debbie love traveling and are avid golfers and sports fans.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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