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Steve Meyers

Steve Meyers

Church Mobilization Director of the Westcoast Region

Stephen Meyers serves as a Director of Church Mobilization for International Justice Mission. This role provides him the opportunity to equip churches and communities, on the west coast, by sharing the biblical call to seek justice, introducing them to IJM’s work and mobilizing them to engage in both local and global ministry.

Stephen has 25 years of pastoral experience in the local church, including student, college and outreach ministries. He recently served for 14 years at Real Life Church in Valencia, CA. on their executive team, mobilizing people to take their faith, beyond a Bible study, to love and serve the marginalized and those struggling in poverty, locally and globally. He has led teams around the world, helped plant churches, launched vibrant and sustainable homeless and foster care and justice initiatives, community outreaches, served on local boards and anti-trafficking councils. Stephen and his wife and three children live in Southern California.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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