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Peter Williams

Peter Williams

Global Vice President of Program Excellence

Peter Williams serves as IJM’s Global Vice President of Program Excellence, leading IJM’s Program Center for Excellence. The Center for Excellence consolidates IJM’s case-type expertise, program development and program analysis capacities in a single team that Peter will lead to accelerate the growth and impact of IJM’s programs and thought-leadership on our theory of change in public engagement. Peter comes to this role from more than 12 years’ senior leadership with IJM. Most recently Peter served as IJM’s Principal Advisor on Modern Slavery, IJM’s leading expert on modern slavery programming and interventions. Prior to this, Peter was Country Director in Cambodia where he led the development of IJM’s new program to address cross-border labor trafficking within recruiting corridors in the Greater Mekong Subregion, leading to the conviction of more than 30 traffickers in three years.

Under his leadership the Bangalore team rescued more than 1200 people from bonded slavery, trained thousands of justice officials, and implemented a ground-breaking bonded labor prevalence study. Peter joined IJM in 2010 as a Legal Fellow in Chennai, India. Before IJM, Peter was a Crown Prosecutor in Auckland New Zealand, where he prosecuted criminal jury trials and was published in the New Zealand Law Journal. Peter holds a BA and an LLB(hons) from the University of Auckland. While at law school Peter co-founded the Equal Justice Project, a pro-bono legal organization for law students ( He currently lives in Auckland with his wife, Tammy and their daughter Brooke.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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