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Pablo Villeda

Pablo Villeda

Regional President, Latin America

Pablo Villeda serves as IJM’s Regional President of Latin America. IJM currently has field offices in Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, as well as a casework alliance partner in Peru. Pablo oversees our work to bring rescue and restoration to children who have been victimized by sexual violence and to secure justice against rapists and traffickers.

Pablo joined IJM in 2007 as IJM Guatemala’s Field Office Director, where he led his team to achieve significant convictions against perpetrators of sexual violence and pioneered new ways of combating child sexual assault by equipping officials within the Guatemalan justice system.

Before joining IJM, Pablo worked alongside his father as an attorney with a focus on family law and contract dispute. He was also a visiting professor at the Universidad Rafael Landivar in Guatemala, where he received his J.D. Pablo and his wife live with their children in the Washington, DC area.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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