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Nicholas Sensley

Nicholas Sensley

CEO of Cross Sector Solutions LLC.

Nicholas Sensley is the CEO of Cross Sector Solutions LLC, a privately held consulting company whose purpose is to build and facilitate collective impact strategies to the benefit of communities around the world. He has an extensive law enforcement background totaling 24 years among three California jurisdictions including service as the Chief of Police of Truckee, California. Nicholas has served as a consultant, trainer and developer in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the South Caribbean since 1998. He specializes in the development of leaders, the advancement of good governance, and the formation of multidisciplinary workgroups to combat human trafficking. Throughout his career, Nicholas has also served on a number of senior level advisories and as a member of governmental delegations. He is a Management PhD student at the International School of Management in Paris, France, and has earned an MBA from Golden Gate University and a BS in Organizational Management from Patten University in California. Nicholas and his wife Kimberly currently reside in Lebanon, TN.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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