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Mark and Jennifer (JJ) Smith

Mark and Jennifer (JJ) Smith

Executive Steering Committee

San Jose, CA
Supporting IJM since 2015

Mark and JJ have been committed to helping children in underdeveloped countries/circumstances for 15+ years through firsthand work and financial support in orphanages and related organizations. They were introduced to IJM as sanctions in Russia prevented their further involvement in orphan care programs there and IJM was increasing its cybersex trafficking prevention efforts, which is a specific area of interest for JJ due to her work experience in cybersecurity. In addition to efforts to support, love, encourage, and introduce God to marginalized youth in underdeveloped countries, Mark has worked with local youth through middle school ministry and Awana programs. Mark and JJ both recently retired from the Silicon Valley technology industry, where they successfully led sales and marketing, respectively, for several start-ups through their initial public offerings and growth to billion-dollar companies. Both continue to consult, coach and mentor in the industry, but prioritize time with their family – 4 kids and 5 grandchildren – and heeding God’s calling to use their energy, skills and resources towards His good. Mark is a graduate of Wheaton College and JJ is a graduate of Santa Clara University.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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