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Katelyn Curran

Katelyn Curran

National Church Mobilization Director

Katelyn Curran serves as the National Director of Church Mobilization for IJM, U.S.A. She leads a dynamic team of leaders, who educate, equip, and empower congregations and church networks to use their voice to end slavery and stop violence against the poor. She cultivates collaborative partnerships and spearheads nation-wide campaigns, such as Freedom Sunday, which has mobilized thousands of churches to live out the biblical call for justice and fuel the mission through giving, advocacy, and prayer.

Prior to joining the IJM team, Katelyn was the Director of Marketing and Online Advertising for Rose Publishing and Hendrickson Publishers, an award-winning Christian publishing house. While in this position, Katelyn developed thousands of innovative marketing campaigns, served on the executive leadership team, and launched new product lines to help people dig deeper into the Bible. She pioneered the start of the Advertising and Strategic Partnerships programs, which enabled her to cultivate partnerships with dozens of Christian organizations, including Christianity Today, Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Logos Bible Software, and more.

Katelyn has worn “many hats” while serving in ministry for over 15 years. A dynamic speaker and storyteller, she has engaged believers of all ages at events, retreats, and conferences, both here in the U.S. and internationally. For over a decade, she encouraged young women in their faith as a National Girls Ministries leader. When she discovered young girls were being sold as slaves in her community and worldwide, she became one of the founding leaders of the Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking (FIAT), a grassroots movement which catalyzed hundreds of local churches and believers in L.A.

She often exclaims, “I don’t want to break your heart, but your silence.” She is passionate to awaken the voice of the church, and see a global movement of believers, who move beyond awareness and into action.

Katelyn graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in English Education from California State University, Long Beach, and earned her Single Subject Teaching Credential in English. She recently studied management at the University of Cambridge.

In her spare time, she enjoys writing poetry and exploring the sites of Washington D.C., where she now lives.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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