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Karen Hung

Karen Hung

Chief Marketing Officer

Karen Hung serves as IJM’s Chief Marketing Officer and is the CEO and Founder of Silver Rock Consulting. Silver Rock focuses on transformation and growth via co-creation of business models and strategies to catalyze leadership alignment and market momentum. Ms. Hung has corporate and client experience and agility across a range of sectors. Some of her clients include Ascension Healthcare, Kohler, MetLife, AbbVie, Johnson Controls, SubZero Wolf, and Goodwill Industries.

Prior to founding Silver Rock, Ms. Hung was the Senior Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Officer with Lands’ End. She has held C-Suite and other executive positions leading global teams with General Electric, Ann Taylor, and Citigroup in the functional areas of Strategy, Marketing, and Innovation. Ms. Hung serves as a Director on the Boards of KeHE, a national B-Corp food distributor, Florence Eiseman Company, an upscale children’s apparel brand, and Ascension Wisconsin healthcare system. She has taught MBA and undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Leadership courses at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Lubar School of Business.

An active civic leader, Ms. Hung serves on the Boards of Directors of the Harvard Business School Club of Wisconsin as Immediate Past President, the Rotary Club of Milwaukee as President-Elect, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra as Governance Chair, and Junior Achievement of Wisconsin as Strategy Chair. Ms. Hung has been recognized and honored as Women of Influence (2021), Notable Women on Boards (2021), and Women of Distinction (2019). Karen Hung earned an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BA from Washington University of St. Louis.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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