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James Abraham

James Abraham

Founder of Mynzo Carbon Pvt Ltd, Board Chairman

James Abraham started his career with Bell Canada, developing advanced services and business models for emerging technologies.

He joined The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Toronto in 1994 and has worked in industries as diverse as paper, appliances, automotives, oil & gas, and automotive. In 1998, he moved to Mumbai, India to help lead the firm in India during its early period. In 2000, he moved to Delhi, India to open and lead the office. For more than 10 years with BCG in India, he has been involved across sectors including power, transport, infrastructure, telecom, and consumer goods; covering a range of issues from business planning and acquisitions to organization development and financial structuring. In 2009, James was a Senior-Partner with BCG, when he left to lead Sunborne Energy. At SunBorne, James led the largest public-private partnership in solar-thermal RnD and developed a PV EPC team. He was also involved in the early formulation of solar policy in India.

In 2014, he co-founded SolarArise, which focuses on financing, owning and managing utility-scale solar-power plants. SolarArise focuses on running solar plants, so they continue to challenge conventional power plants.

In 2022, he founded Mynzo Carbon PVT Ltd focusing on building technology to reduce emissions from lifestyle activities.

James is a fellow of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, the Kamalnayan Bajaj Fellowship of the Ananta-Aspen Institute, and a senior moderator of Aspen’s values-based leadership programs. James serves on the boards of LnT Power Development, LnT Smart World and Water, Vistaar Financial Services, SmartPower India, and is an Advisor to Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas. James earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo, an M.B.A. (Palmer Scholar) from Wharton, and an M.A. (International Relations) from Johns Hopkins University

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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