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Donald and Makiko Harrison

Donald and Makiko Harrison

McLean, VA
Supporting IJM since 2007

Makiko and Donald Harrison have been involved with IJM since 2007, and Makiko has been able to visit IJM’s field offices in Cambodia, the Philippines, Guatemala, India and Ghana. Makiko was born and raised in Japan. After living in England as a graduate student, she moved to the US and married Donald. They have two daughters Shima (14) and Kana (12). In addition to being a mom, she enjoys leading Bible study/prayer groups and serving on the board of non-profit organizations and on the Board of Women of their church, McLean Presbyterian Church. After receiving her PhD at the London School of Economics, she worked as a senior economist at the World Bank from 2001 to2007. Makiko is also passionate about the Gospel movement in Japan and supports Redeemer City to City initiatives there. Donald graduated from Harvard College, magna cum laude in Economics, and from Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review. He is a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP specializing in international trade law. Donald serves on the Board of Romanian Christian Enterprises and on the Board of the Keisho Center, a Saturday Japanese cultural and learning center that Shima and Kana have attended.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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