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Brent and Erin Jasper

Brent and Erin Jasper

Tyler, TX
Supporting IJM since 2017

Erin first learned about modern day slavery in 2009 when Gary Haugen spoke at Watermark Community Church where her eyes were opened and a passion to fight for justice was ignited. After attending IJM’s Dallas Benefit Dinner in 2017, Erin and Brent were moved to join the fight against slavery by investing in the mission. Erin attended the University of North Texas and before becoming a stay-at-home mom in 2016, Erin worked in marketing and project management roles with a professional sports team, footwear manufacturer and commercial real estate investment firm. In Dallas, Erin served with an anti-trafficking organization by teaching a prevention program to youth in juvenile detention centers. Brent received an accounting degree from Texas State University and has worked in a variety of accounting and management roles. In 2016, Brent returned to East Texas to work for his family’s business, Jasper Ventures, where he currently serves as President. An interesting aspect of Jasper Ventures is the high level of priority and care that they provide to their employees through an internal department called Beyond Business. Erin and Brent love being generous with what God has entrusted to them, and they serve on several non-profit boards and committees. Erin and Brent live in Tyler with their three young boys – Henry, Thomas and Samuel.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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