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Anu George Canjanathoppil

Anu George Canjanathoppil

Chief Executive Officer, IJM Canada

Anu has 13 years of leadership experience with International Justice Mission (IJM). In South Asia, she served as the Director of Operations, the Director of National Interventions and the Director of Legal. During her time with IJM, Anu has worked extensively to impact justice systems by collaborating with state and local governments in South Asia.

Anu initiated and led IJM’s first ever partnership program and oversaw the training of more than 17,000 police officers, government officials, and NGO’s on the rescue and rehabilitation of individuals trapped in slavery and bringing criminals to justice. As a result of Anu’s leadership, more than 10,000 individuals have been rescued from forced labour slavery.

Anu holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Edith Cowan University, Australia and a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Eastern University. She successfully completed her B.A., B.L. from Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College and acquired a special diploma in Intellectual Property Law.

Anu has used her creative communications skills to bring social issues to the public’s attention by writing and producing radio dramas and street theatre with social messages. Her dedication to the empowerment of people who are vulnerable to poverty and violence, her vision for social change, and knowledge about international issues, have all led to Anu being awarded several honours; one of which was being recognized as a Sauvé Scholar by the Canadian government. She represented South Asia as a Youth Ambassador to Dhaka in 2003 through the National Cadet Corps, with the status of a Diplomat as a Cultural and Military Attaché.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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