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IJM Findings and Studies

Proving Justice for People in Poverty is Possible

We believe the children, families and communities we serve deserve the very best. We owe it to them – and to those who make our work possible – to ensure that our work is effective. That’s why we base the design and management of our programs on evidence we collect through rigorous documentation, monitoring and evaluation.

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Summary - Online Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines

An Analysis and Recommendations for Governments, Industry and Civil Society

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) is a complex, hidden crime that is particularly challenging for the global community to measure and address. To both set a baseline of the existing global data and catalyze future research efforts, International Justice Mission (IJM) brought together leading agencies from across multiple disciplines as well as research experts to collaboratively take on this challenge: examine existing data sources and research methodologies in order to provide meaningful information about this crime that would be valuable for understanding its scale as well as informing interventions to combat it.

Full Report - Online Sexual Exploitation of Children in the Philippines

An Analysis and Recommendations for Governments, Industry and Civil Society

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) is a complex, hidden crime that is particularly challenging for the global community to measure and address. To both set a baseline of the existing global data and catalyze future research efforts, International Justice Mission (IJM) brought together leading agencies from across multiple disciplines as well as research experts to collaboratively take on this challenge: examine existing data sources and research methodologies in order to provide meaningful information about this crime that would be valuable for understanding its scale as well as informing interventions to combat it.

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