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IJM Findings and Studies

External Evaluation International Justice Mission Dominican Republic Program, 2013-2022

IJM Dominican Republic External Evaluation English Final:

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Resource Type Impact Study
Publication DateNovember, 2023
Country Dominican Republic
Subject Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)

This is an independent and summative evaluation, conducted after 9 years of IJM's work in the Dominican Republic. It aims to identify to what extent the IJM DR program has been able to strengthen the Dominican Public Justice System (PJS) in response to Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (CSEC), and to what extent this response of the Dominican state contributed to a reduction in the prevalence of CSEC and TIP. The report notes that IJM positioned itself as a leading organization against CSEC and TIP in the Dominican Republic, achieving a strengthening of PJS institutions and greater cooperation between them, which allowed for higher quality investigations and prosecutions, more appropriate sentencing, and more sensitive treatment of victims. IJM also played a fundamental role in mobilizing civil society actors and other organizations, such as the United Nations, through joint advocacy actions to combat CSEC and TIP, ultimately contributing to greater political and social awareness of the issue.

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