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End Trafficking In Government Contracting Act: Congress Heard Your Voice
International declarations and protocols have long outlawed slavery and united governments in the fight against human trafficking. But there are...
News From Washington: The Hard Work Begins
November 2012 On November 7, members of my team at IJM straggled in throughout the day after going to the polls in DC, Maryland and Virginia to...
End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act
The End Trafficking in Government Contracting Act requires U.S. government contractors to implement trafficking prevention programs.
News From Washington: The President Heard You
On Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012, the President of the United States gave a speech in New York that squarely addressed the issue of modern day slavery and...
Holly's News From Washington - September 2012
On September 4, friends of IJM made at least 2,399 phone calls urging their Senators to pass the most important piece of human rights legislation of...
Post Op-Ed: Fair Food Program Helps End The Use Of Slavery In The Tomato Fields
Check out yesterday's op-ed in the Washington Post written by Holly Burkhalter, IJM vice president of government relations. Holly writes about the...
When Supermarkets Opt Out Of Fair Food: The Problem With Going It Alone
Earlier this month, I sent a letter to the CEOs of Ahold, Kroger, and Publix, asking them to join the Fair Food Program (FFP). Under the leadership...
Holly’s News From Washington – August 2012
I have testified many times over my 30-year career as an international human rights activist. But I've never had so much fun in my life than when I...
Holly Burkhalter Testifies Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee!
Last Tuesday, IJM Vice President of Government Relations Holly Burkhalter testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about effective...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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