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Despite the Odds, Lana’s Family Finds Justice in Four Months
Earlier this year, 7-year-old Lana* and her brother went with their mother to have lunch at a friend’s house. While the mothers took a walk around...
International Justice Mission Urges Congress and Obama Administration to Dedicate Emergency Resources to Combat Child Sexual Assault in Guatemala
“As devastating as gang violence is in Latin America, it isn’t the only reason these kids are turning up at the U.S. border." - Holly Burkhalter...
International Justice Mission Applauds House of Representatives for Passage of Critical Anti-Trafficking Legislation
Global human rights organization International Justice Mission (IJM) praised the U.S. House of Representatives for passage of the Human Trafficking...
Determined To Make A Difference: Rain Or Shine!
#Selfie might have been the word of the year in 2013, but #selfless should be a front-runner for 2014, at least in terms of IJM advocates.
Four Boys Rescued from Slavery on a Rose Farm
Child Slaves, Beaten for Making Mistakes Their days began at 5 a.m. While most children set out for school, these boys started watering 4,000 rose...
Sex Trafficking Survivors in Mumbai Set Free from Months in Darkness
Rescue Comes Swiftly On July 3, IJM received a call for assistance from the city police. The social service branch–a unit of the city police that...
Protecting Victims Of Human Trafficking - The TVPA And Where The Focus Should Really Be
The U.S. Congress is poised to vote on repealing a provision of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) that had provided legal protection for...
IJM Manila: Five Traffickers Convicted for Exploiting Girls as Young as 16
Joint Operation Brings Rescue In December 2010, IJM discovered that girls as young as 16 had been trafficked to the two-story bar and were being...
No Summer Slowdown Here: Exciting Updates From Washington, DC!
This year IJM’s Advocacy Summit/Call-In Day focused on the Human Trafficking Prioritization Act (H.R. 2283/S.1249) and a Dear Colleague Letter to...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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