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IJM Kenya: Abusive Police Officer Arrested After Two Years in Hiding
More than two years after Derek* felt the pain of a police officer’s metal rod across his body, the high-ranking officer who allegedly beat him was...
'Dressember' Movement Celebrates Femininity to Hit Hard at Human Trafficking and Violence Against Women
Wear a dress every day in December; Funds raised will support International Justice Mission’s groundbreaking work to free women in oppression
In Bolivia, Justice for 3-Year-Old Mona Seemed Impossible...Until It Happened
A three-and-a-half- year trial ended this month in Bolivia with justice for a little girl named Mona.* The trial lasted more than half the length of...
The Voice You Haven’t Heard: A Brave Survivor Rallies Students to End Trafficking in the Philippines
College students around the world are serious about ending modern-day slavery in their lifetime. In the Philippines, about 800 students gathered for...
IJM’s First Cases In the Dominican Republic Result in Two Arrests & Justice for 14-Year-Old Girl
For a young teen named Clarisa* and her family, the fact that two men are in prison facing sex trafficking charges brings a sense of safety that...
5 Ways Guatemala Is Safer For Children Today Than 5 Years Ago
1. Guatemala now has a law that actually defines a crime of sexual violence.
Holly's News From Washington - October 2014
We had an unprecedented visit to IJM’s office this week: His Excellency Julio Ligorria, Guatemalan Ambassador to the United States, who was...
Kids in Portland Meet their Hero on Anti-Slavery Day
There are nearly 30 million slaves today—that’s more than at any other time in history, including the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Since 2010, the UK...
IJM Celebrates Two Years in Gulu By Topping 150+ Property Restorations For Widows & Orphans
Today, IJM celebrates two years of securing justice for impoverished widows and orphans in Gulu, Uganda.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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