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Guatemalan School Principal Sentenced to Nearly 90 Years
An elementary school principal has been sentenced to nearly 90 years in prison for sexually assaulting seven fifth-grade boys under his care. The...
Op-ed: Why Justice Is Essential for Development
On December 4, the Secretary-General released a report called “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming All Lives and Protecting the...
48th World Day of Peace: "Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters"
Today marks the 48th World Day of Peace, a day commemorated by the Catholic Church to bring peace to every corner of the globe. Each year, the pope...
IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014
IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of a very big year. To recap, we asked some of our interns and fellows to share ten moments...
More Than 900 Hill Tribe People Are Now Thai Citizens—And That’s Just The Beginning
Dozens of families waited patiently outside the rural government office, eager to begin the day they’d anticipated for so long: the day they could...
A Tiny Church In A Mumbai Slum Gives A Giant Gift At Christmas
Two women sit quietly on a tile floor in a Mumbai slum and carefully piece together bits of green and orange fabric in an intricate design. Sunlight...
This Kenyan Father Will Be Home For Christmas
Yesterday, Collins’ IJM lawyer, Wamaitha Kimani, went by the prison to tell him we believed he might get out on bail today. “He nodded and said thank...
British Charity Director Found Guilty for Abusing Street Children in Kenya
Boys living on the streets of one Kenyan town say former charity director Simon Harris sexually assaulted them and threatened them with violence when...
Football Players, Men in Kilts Join Dressember Movement in Fight for Justice
A simple fashion challenge—wear a dress every day in December to fight for the inherent dignity of all women—has spread far and wide in quest to help...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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