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Holly's News From Washington - February 2015
Although President Obama devoted the bulk of his State of the Union address on January 20 to domestic concerns, he rightly raised the issue of ISIL...
IJM's Gary Haugen Testifies on Slavery Before Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Today, IJM President and CEO Gary Haugen testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a hearing entitled "Ending Modern Slavery: What...
Three Things I Learned From Campaign Failure
As our team reflects on the past two years of work pushing this policy agenda forward—including hundreds of congressional meetings, thousands of...
Two Reasons Why We Are Celebrating the Cromnibus
The new omnibus spending bill has two important wins for IJM.
Seahawks' Russell Okung: The Fight Against Modern Day Slavery is Ours to Win
As the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots prepare to go head-to-head in Super Bowl XLIX, Seahawks offensive tackle Russell Okung has more than...
British High Commission Commends IJM for Outstanding Support in Abuse Case
In December 2014, a British court convicted Simon Harris for sexually abusing Kenyan street boys and possessing indecent images of children. He had...
WEF 2015: How Everyday Violence is Undermining Development
In the midst of this busy week at the World Economic Forum (WEF) I have found myself reflecting on WEF’s slogan of “Improving the State of the...
Two Innocent Men Facing Life Imprisonment Finally Set Free
Today in Kenya, two men framed for stealing a police officer’s radio were finally declared innocent. The battle in court has taken two years.
WEF 2015: Putting Justice on the Table in Davos
International Justice Mission President and CEO Gary Haugen is in Davos, Switzerland for the 45th annual World Economic Forum to raise the profile of...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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