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Nepal Earthquake Halts World Climbing Expedition for Human Trafficking
Earlier this spring, Nick Cienski of Mission 14 and his team set out to begin his quest to complete the "6 Summits Challenge," a world record-setting...
Dozens of IJM Clients Safe in Nepal; Staff Warn of Increased Trafficking Risks Following Earthquake
After the catastrophic earthquake that has so far claimed thousands of lives struck Nepal on Saturday, April 25, IJM’s team in Kolkata started trying...
Standing For Freedom - Texas Style
The cliché practically writes itself at this point: Everything is bigger in Texas. But they’re often clichés because they’re true! And when it came...
Trafficker Receives Maximum Punishment After Two Years in Hiding
Three years ago in a district courtroom outside Kolkata, Maya* stood on the wooden witness stand and boldly shared her story. She declared that the...
Undercover Rescue Operation Frees 18 in the Dominican Republic
It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at a private house party in the Dominican Republic, the most-visited destination in the Caribbean. But moments...
Gary Haugen's TED Talk Highlights What's Missing in Fight to End Poverty
“The Locust Effect” author warns until everyday violence against the poor ends, development efforts will disappoint
A Ugandan Court Defends a Grandmother and Sets a New Precedent
By Kathryn Wilkes Kathryn Wilkes is the Field Office Director for IJM Kampala. She and her team have helped defend more than 1,000 widows and orphans...
Behind the Suits: Meet Lisa Slavovsky
Working with IJM’s teams around the world, Aftercare Specialist Lisa Slavovskly provides essential support to the field offices combatting child sex...
Massive Operation in the Philippines Shows a Country Serious about Ending Human Trafficking
Eleven suspects were arrested at a high-end entertainment bar where women and girls were being trafficked and exploited for sex in the heart of...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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