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IJM Testifies Before House Homeland Security Committee
Pablo Villeda testified today before the House Committee on Homeland Security regarding IJM’s success in combatting sex trafficking of children in...
Cambodian National Police Officers Receive Training on Open-Source Data Investigation for Human Trafficking Cases
From Sept. 18-20, 2023, International Justice Mission (IJM) Cambodia, in collaboration with WINROCK International and under the auspices of the...
Helping Runners Make a Difference: NYC Marathon Unites Athletes and Charity
Six runners ran in the 2023 NYC Marathon to raise funds to fight modern slavery for International Justice Mission (IJM). These runners are not only...
IJM’s European Anti-Trafficking Program Holds Conference with Top Lawmakers to Encourage Cross-Border Collaboration
IJM Romania hosted a conference with more than 120 lawmakers from across Europe titled: “Enhancing Cross-Border Collaboration to Combat Trafficking...
Survivor Network Helps Government Rescue One Family from Agricultural Farm
In response to a petition submitted by survivor leaders, local government officials rescued a family of six on August 8, 2023. The parents and four...
Court Sentences Five Sex Traffickers to Life Imprisonment
In May 2023, a Kolkata Court in India announced a groundbreaking judgment, sentencing five accused individuals to life imprisonment and imposing...
A Surprise Government Inspection Leads to the Rescue of 12 Boys from a Jewelry Facility
TAMIL NADU, INDIA – Trained government officials led a surprise inspection in Chennai city on July 19, 2023, which rescued 12 minor boys who were...
Advocates Ask Congress to Fight Online Child Abuse in IJM Lobby Day
IJM hosts advocates in Washington, D.C., to urge policymakers to support the EARN IT Act (S.1207 / H.R.2732).
Child trafficking is nothing like in the movies. Here’s why that’s very good news.
Five examples of how child trafficking has been portrayed in movies, and how they compare to IJM’s real work in the Dominican Republic.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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