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Where Passion and Skills Intersect to do Justice in the Philippines
From Canada to the Philippines, Tryphena's passion for justice and desire to grow closer to God's work drew her to move to Cebu to complete a year...
What is the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report?
Despite being illegal, human trafficking exists around the world. We can't end modern slavery without understanding where it is, why it happens and...
International Justice Mission Partners with NCMEC, Law Enforcement and Tech to Protect Children Online through Training in Côte d’Ivoire
IJM and partners are collaboratively delivering law enforcement training in Côte d’Ivoire that will support police in identifying offenders and...
Biden Signs REPORT Act to Protect Kids Online
IJM celebrates President Biden’s signature on the bipartisan REPORT Act, which requires online service providers to submit reports of suspected...
Man Convicted by Bolivian Court for Sexually Abusing a Child
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – March 1, 2024, was a day of celebration and relief for Carina* and her family. After a long nine-year court battle, PROBOS, an...
Students Mobilizing their Campuses for Justice
Since the beginning of their partnership in July 2023, International Justice Mission (IJM) and Simple Charity have aimed to jointly accelerate the...
Indigenous Honduran Women and Girls Break Barriers to Accessing Justice
INTIBUCÁ, HONDURAS – November 25, 2023. IJM and Centro de Desarrollo Humano (Center for Human Development – CDH) facilitated a forum where 80...
IJM Helps Peruvian National Police Produce User-Friendly Guide on how to Interact with Minors
LIMA, PERU – On August 18, 2023, over 200 representatives of the Peruvian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police and IJM Peru attended the...
IJM Applauds House Passage of the REPORT Act to #ProtectKidsOnline
IJM welcomes the passage of the REPORT Act, a bipartisan bill to support efforts to combat online sexual exploitation of children. With today’s...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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