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IJM Leader Sam Inocencio Receives Highest Anti-Trafficking Award from U.S. Government at TIP Report Release Event
Every year, the U.S. State Department honours individuals who have significantly contributed to ending human trafficking. This year, IJM’s Atty. Sam...
Survivor Leaders Start Handicrafts Business
Multi-colored silk thread earrings, oxidized silver and rhinestone studded earrings, stylish printed laptop sleeves and delicate tassels—these are a...
Three Tips for Teaching Online Safety to Kids
Summer break has officially started. Whether your family is headed to the lake, juggling summer camps, or hopping on a plane, it’s a season where...
47 Peruvian Volunteers and Police Officers Learn to Provide Better Care to Victims of Violence
30 volunteers and 17 police officers that serve victims of violence participated in workshops that equipped them to better serve women and children...
Survivors from 15 Countries Create a Movement to Stop Sexual Violence
Buenos Aires, Argentina - March 16, 2024. Survivors from 15 countries gather in Argentina to create a regional movement that combats sexual violence...
Peruvian Police goes into Childhood Mode
Over 250 police officers specialized in child protection participated an interactive and engaging workshop titled "Police in #ChildhoodMode" that...
How IJM Bolivia and its Partner PROBOS are Empowering Survivors of Violence
PROBOS is an interdisciplinary group of professionals who have been trained by IJM to attend cases of violence and abuse. Lawyers, social workers,...
International Justice Mission Welcomes the Adoption of the Law to Increase Sentencing for Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Trafficking in Romania
IJM welcomes the adoption by the Chamber of Deputies of the legislative proposal that excludes the possibility of suspending sentences for crimes of...
Durbin, Graham Push Online Child Safety Legislation
IJM joins press conference on the need for legislation to prevent online sexual exploitation of children. It is critical that Senate Majority Leader...

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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