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Ramya's Story

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A Family Freed

Help rescue families like Ramya's from modern-day slavery.

Ramya was barely 13 years old when her family was tricked into bonded labor, a form of modern-day slavery, at a remote hill-top farm in South Asia. For two years the family was trapped as bonded laborers as they tried to repay a loan her father had taken.

At the farm, Ramya and her parents were forced to work from 5 a.m. until late in the evening every day, with very little food or rest.

The owner used frequent threats and violence to keep the family controlled, once beating Ramya's father with a pipe for trying to visit a nearby farm. Ramya also remembers being shocked by electric fences around the farm that kept them separated from the outside world.

Millions of people around the world are currently trapped in slavery like Ramya was and desperately need help. Give today to help send rescue and restore their lives.

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When IJM first started investigating the farm, Ramya and her mother were too scared to speak up against the owner. But later, on another visit, they found the courage to share the truth with our rescue team. After two years of violence and forced labor, Ramya and her family were finally freed.

Back at home, Ramya and her parents joined IJM's two-year aftercare program to help them overcome trauma, gain stability and learn life skills to equip their future.

IJM rescue teams are actively planning to rescue and restore the lives of more children trapped in modern-day slavery and your support today is vital.

Today, Ramya has completed her 10th grade and has since married her husband Sonu and given birth to their son, Gaurav.

"Now we are living in freedom-free to do what we want, when we want-and can just breath happily," Ramya says.

We won't stop until all are free. But we need your help. Please give today to help rescue victims of slavery and restore the lives of survivors.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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