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Philder's Story

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Moms will do anything to protect their children

For Philder, that meant standing up to the people who threatened to steal her land and burn her house down. Your support helped her protect her family.

Philder’s in-laws began threatening her family soon after her husband died. But you helped her stand up to them, and they quickly realized they should never come between a mom and her children.

As a child, Philder dreamed of becoming a doctor or a police officer. Her reason paints a picture of a girl who had the word protector written on her heart from the very beginning.

“I love my family very much, and I always want them to be safe.”

Like many children in Uganda, Philder never got the education she needed to pursue her dream. But that wouldn’t stop her from growing up to be a hero for her family regardless.

After having nine children with her husband, he unexpectedly passed away. This left Philder to be the sole leader and provider of her family.

Philder was left alone to manage the store she ran with her husband when he was alive. One day, her in-laws showed up, and she quickly learned they were not there for a friendly visit. They told Philder they were there to take her land and began to loot her store. When she confronted them, they threatened to burn down her house.

But Philder’s mom instincts kicked in. She knew she was going to have to fight for her family.

“I had my children with me,” she said.

“So, I persisted. I stayed here because this is where my children belong, and this is where their land is.”

Give today to help moms like Philder protect their children!

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Philder took the first step towards fighting for her family by reaching out to IJM. Your support helped make sure that when Philder bravely stood up for her children, she wasn’t standing alone. Law enforcement was there when she was threatened, ultimately preventing her home from being burned to the ground.

It wasn’t just Philder’s property that was saved; your gift also helped restore her family.

When she held her in-laws accountable in court, it created a ripple effect of restoration: they returned what they had taken, agreed to stop the harassment, and even begin to repair their relationship with Philder.

IJM donors went even further and helped Philder get her business off the ground. Today, she is using the proceeds from her peanut farm to help put her children through school.

And Philder won’t stop there; she continues to advocate for other widows in her community.

It’s an unfortunate reality that widows are a common target for property theft in Uganda, but Philder is working to help change that reality by connecting others in the community with the same authorities that were able to help her.

This Mother’s Day, join Philder in changing the reality for widows and families in Uganda who are experiencing violence. With a gift today, you can support moms and families just like Philder and give them a fighting chance at a safer future.

Give more than a gift this Mother’s Day

Your gift this Mother’s Day can have a life-changing impact for the women and children who receive it. Give a gift from the IJM Gift Catalog that could change the course of the future for moms and their children.

There are more moms like Philder out there whose families aren’t safe right now. You can help us rescue and protect them.

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