Human Trafficking
Holiday Cheer and Freedom Spread by Triller App’s #Jingles4Justice Challenge
What started as a holiday singing competition among staff at International Justice Mission (IJM) has since turned into a global lip sync challenge...
December 14

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
IJM and U.S. Homeland Security Assist Rescue of 6-Year-Old Day Before Her Birthday
A young girl in the Philippines is celebrating more than her latest birthday this past week. On December 5, the day before her 6th birthday, she and...
December 11

Sex Trafficking
Maximum Sentencing Sends Strong Message To Traffickers to Stop Abuse in DR
Two Dominican men are behind bars where they will spend the next 20 years in prison for sexually abusing a young teen, receiving the maximum sentence...
December 10

Supreme Court Sends Strong Message in Upholding Slave Owner Conviction
DELHI, INDIA – A former slave owner will remain behind bars for another two years after the Indian Supreme Court upheld a conviction on Dec. 1...
December 04

Sex Trafficking
Bar in Cebu is Shut Down after Employees Convicted for Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – A heavy chain today locks the doors of the Red Lips bikini bar in Cebu, Philippines. The bar was permanently shut down last week....
December 03

Sex Trafficking
Freedom Takes Time For Children Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
Five children as young as 2 years old were rescued from online sexual exploitation three months ago. Their story of freedom is still unfolding.
November 23
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