Sexual Violence
Brave Girls’ Testimonies Lead to Man’s Shocking Confession
The girls were afraid to play outside. They were afraid when they heard the thrum of motorbikes passing by. The man who would take them on his...
June 02

Sexual Violence
Five Convicted in Six Days for Sexually Assaulting Children
Katty* couldn’t afford a lawyer and almost dropped her case against the man who raped her as a teen.
May 26

Human Trafficking
This Abolition Advocate Has Something to Ask *You.* Meet Rusty.
As we continue building support for the End Modern Slavery Initiative (EMSI) Act, we asked Rusty Havens, a dedicated advocate, why he's rooting for...
May 25

My Day On The Hill With Tony Hale
Something that has always struck me about advocacy is the diversity of the people who are drawn to it. This really shouldn’t be surprising, because...
May 25

Holly's News From Washington: May 2016
Last month, over 80 anti-slavery activists visited 78 Senate and House offices to support the End Modern Slavery Initiative, EMSI.
May 25

10 Rescued from Grueling Rock Quarry, Including Kids Born into Slavery
On Tuesday, IJM helped local authorities rescue 10 children, women and men from slavery at a grueling rock-crushing facility in southern India.
May 24
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