Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
European Referral Leads to Rescue of Five Children Outside Manila
TARLAC, PHILIPPINES – This week, on the outskirts of Metro Manila, anti-trafficking police arrested a mother who offered to sexually abuse children...
June 18
Labor Trafficking
International Justice Mission Brings Expertise to Global Forum on Ethical Recruiting for Supply Chains
International Justice Mission (IJM) is participating in the 2018 Global Forum on Responsible Recruitment and Employment in Singapore to discuss the...
June 11
Desperate Mother and Children Reunited During 3 Back-to-Back Rescues
We were reminded once again of the cruelty of modern-day slavery this weekend—as IJM and local officials helped reunite a terrified mother and with...
June 06
Sex Trafficking
Dominican Government Launches a New Action Plan to End Sex Trafficking
On May 10, 2018, the Dominican Republic Ministry for External Relations (MIREX) and International Justice Mission (IJM) celebrated the collaborative...
May 18
30 Years. Three Generations. One Powerful Rescue.
Kuppan* was struggling to help his impoverished family until a farm owner offered him a loan of 1,000 rupees in exchange for his labor. Just 15 years...
May 10
MLB All-Star Chris Davis Pledges Support for International Justice Mission to Fight Modern-Day Slavery
Major League Baseball All-Star Chris Davis and his wife Jill are continuing to expand their philanthropic work internationally to bring rescue to...
May 09
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