Police Abuse of Power
International Justice Mission Urges U.S. Congress to Address Police Violence & Impunity
Friday, June 19, 2020, WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes the attention of the United States House of Representatives...
June 19
Guatemalan Public Ministry and IJM Leveraging the Power of Data to Protect Women and Children from Violence
GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA – On Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2019,
the Guatemalan Public Ministry (MP by its name in Spanish) and its Secretariat for...
June 13
Media Report Leads to Rescue of 150 from a Garment Factory
Ever since India’s COVID-19 lockdown began, the world has been rattled by the stories of millions of migrant laborers stranded far from their homes...
June 04
Sex Trafficking
Rescue Operation Amid COVID-19: Six Rescued. Five Arrested.
A minor and five adult women are now free from sexual exploitation after a successful rescue operation on May 23rd. As the sun rose for a new day in...
June 03
Double Operation Frees 526 from Two Brick Kilns
On Monday, IJM and our grassroots partners supported a critical rescue operation freeing 526 people who had been trapped at two abusive brick kilns...
June 03
Girl Pulled Out of School and Forced to Process Fish Rescued Along with Two Other Boys
ACCRA, GHANA – In May, Ghanaian police, the Department of Social Welfare and IJM conducted an operation to rescue three children, two boys and one...
June 01
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