Indian Government Inspection Leads to Four Freed from Mango Grove
On Feb. 4, four adults were liberated from six years of labor exploitation at a mango grove thanks to proactive government officials and a group of...
March 22

Labor Trafficking
Three Perpetrators Guilty of Human Trafficking in Cyberscam Slavery Case
Nine Indonesian survivors received justice after their three traffickers were convicted of human trafficking for forced labor in cyber fraud by a...
March 17

IJM Supports Indian Government Rescue 22 Children from Jewelry Factories
Indian government officials and police carried out a rescue operation to free 22 boys—ages 15 to 17—being exploited at multiple urban jewelry...
March 16

Cambodian Trafficker Caught After Four Years of Evasion
After four years on the run, labour trafficker Nai Nang was arrested by the Cambodian police with the help of IJM Cambodia's expertise.
March 06

Jothi's Story
Until she was 14 years old, Jothi knew only the hard work and harsh treatment of life inside South Asia’s rice mills. Her family was under the...
February 28

IJM Supports Indian Police Free 1,401 Trafficked Children in a Month
IJM worked as an expert consultant to develop a standardized process for safely rescuing children and building a strong legal case against their...
February 27
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