Child trafficking is nothing like in the movies. Here’s why that’s very good news.
Five examples of how child trafficking has been portrayed in movies, and how they compare to IJM’s real work in the Dominican Republic.
October 06

Violence Against Women & Children
Children and Adolescents attend Fair organized by IJM Guatemala and Community Partners
On June 21, the Local Protection Network in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala and IJM Guatemala facilitated a fair to inform children and adolescents how...
September 26

Violence Against Women & Children
IJM Bolivia signs Memorandum of Understanding with Bolivian Ministry of Justice
BOLIVIA – On June 30th, following five years of collaboration with its partners, IJM Bolivia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the...
September 20

Human Trafficking
IJM Addresses House Foreign Affairs Committee on Violence Against Children
Josephine Aparo testified before Congress presenting her personal experience as a survivor of violence and urging policymakers to fight against...
September 19

Labor Trafficking
Passionate Leaders Gear Up to Lead a New Survivor Network
ODISHA, INDIA — A vibrant group of young and passionate leaders are all set to lead a brand-new survivor network called Shramavahini (meaning “a...
September 13

Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
IJM Testifies on Exploitation of Children Before House Judiciary Committee
IJM’s Vanessa Bautista and John Tanagho called on Congress to compel online service providers to act proactively against child exploitation on their...
September 13
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