The Last Page: Ambassador Cdebaca Testifies On The Hill
This month, we got to watch Ambassador Luis CdeBaca of the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP...
July 26

Holly's News From Washington - A Note On Heroes
This summer, we at IJM have been sharing stories with our friends around the country about heroes we have come to know in the work of justice. Those...
July 26

My First Advocacy Summit
I think the word to describe this year’s Advocacy Summit would be “exhilarating.” It was incredible to see 250 of you (the largest group yet!) from...
June 21

Holly's News From Washington - The TIP Report Is Released!
On Wednesday, the State Department released its annual “Trafficking in Persons” Report, which includes tier rankings of 188 countries based on their...
June 20

The 2013 TIP Report Is Released - Take Action Today!
On June 19, Secretary of State John Kerry released the 2013 Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), a diplomatic tool used to fight human...
June 20

It's Possible To End Slavery: Successful Models Exist
In IJM’s letter to President Obama this year—which more than 50,000 of you signed—we asked him to adopt an innovative approach to fighting slavery...
June 07
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