Exclusive Report from IJM Investigator: What Broke My Heart to Witness at Lake Volta
When I went with IJM to investigate child slavery in the West African nation of Ghana last year, I was wholly unprepared for what we saw: children...
September 23

Op-Ed | Missing From The UN's Agenda: Everyday Violence
Earlier this month, UNICEF released a staggering report on violence against children.
September 21

Citizenship Rights
IJM Celebrates National Citizen Day by Honoring Hundreds Granted New Rights in Thailand
Today in the United States, we celebrate Citizenship Day. It’s a day to remember the creation of the Constitution and to celebrate the blessings of...
September 17

Pop-Up Play in India Raises Awareness About Slavery to Tens of Thousands
The beat of the parai drum fills the humid air in a small South Indian village. The sun is setting, and a crowd of curious people gathers to watch a...
September 16

Sex Trafficking
Jolie’s Story Inspires Other Survivors of Sex Trafficking in Manila
After four years in trial, two traffickers have been convicted and sentenced to life in prison for trafficking, thanks in part to the testimony of...
September 08

Sex Trafficking
Survivors Get Justice in IJM’s Fastest Sex Trafficking Case in the Philippines
This month, three young women in the Philippines were honored through a local court’s ruling: The man and woman who had trafficked them were...
August 20
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