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Sex Trafficking
Behind the Suits: Meet Lisa Slavovsky
Working with IJM’s teams around the world, Aftercare Specialist Lisa Slavovskly provides essential support to the field offices combatting child sex...
April 11

Sex Trafficking
Massive Operation in the Philippines Shows a Country Serious about Ending Human Trafficking
Eleven suspects were arrested at a high-end entertainment bar where women and girls were being trafficked and exploited for sex in the heart of...
April 10

Sex Trafficking
New Study in the Dominican Republic: One in 10 Individuals in Commercial Sexual Exploitation are Children
A cutting-edge study recently released by International Justice Mission reveals that one in 10 individuals engaged in commercial sexual exploitation...
April 07

Martial Arts Students Kick Off Justice Campaign to Help End Slavery
This April 2015, martial arts students across Canada are breaking boards to help end modern-day slavery.
April 06

10 Boys Rescued from Slavery on Ghana's Lake Volta
ACCRA, GHANA – Ten boys who grew up as slaves on Ghana’s Lake Volta are now free. On Friday, March 20, IJM embarked on our first-ever rescue...
March 27

Violence Against Women & Children
Local Radio Station Recognizes IJM Women in Leadership
Recognizing March as a month to celebrate women, a Chennai radio station recently hosted IJM Chennai’s Directors of Casework and Communications. The...
March 20
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