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Rita was a loving mother of six young children.
Milly, a 10-year-old girl in Uganda, watched her mother Rita cry. “I lost hope completely…. I saw all the time (my mother) was crying,” said Milly,...
First Arrest as IJM Gulu Takes on Domestic Violence
On April 26, 2018, a man who had brutally beaten his wife over many years was arrested by police in Gulu, Uganda. This is the first case of domestic...
Albertina and her family were afraid.
Albertina is a frail grandma living in Northern Uganda. A decade ago, she and her family returned home from a refugee camp after a brutal civil war...
Pregnant Widow Chased from Her Land After Husband's Death
Today is International Widow's Day. We highlight one of our clients, T. Claire, a widow who was restored to her land, below:
Mukono Court Recognized as Model for Ugandan System
Close by the massive, three-story (and unfinished) structure of the Mukono District administrative centre stands the Mukono Magistrate’s Court. The...
A Ugandan Court Defends a Grandmother and Sets a New Precedent
By Kathryn Wilkes Kathryn Wilkes is the Field Office Director for IJM Kampala. She and her team have helped defend more than 1,000 widows and orphans...
IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014
IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of a very big year. To recap, we asked some of our interns and fellows to share ten moments...
Study Sheds New Light on Violence Against Ugandan Widows
New IJM research finds that nearly one of three widows in one area of Uganda is a victim of property grabbing—a devastating crime that threatens...
IJM Celebrates Two Years in Gulu By Topping 150+ Property Restorations For Widows & Orphans
Today, IJM celebrates two years of securing justice for impoverished widows and orphans in Gulu, Uganda.

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More Information

Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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