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16-Year-Old Girl and Her Family Pursue Justice After Sexual Assault
Last week, in spite of numerous challenges, we saw the significant arrest of a suspect in a case of sexual violence against a child in Uganda. This...
Uganda Police Force Collaborates with IJM and UN Women to Improve Response to Violence Against Women and Children
As part of a grant from UN Women, International Justice Mission (IJM) gathered Uganda Police Force (UPF) Officers to review IJM’s recommendations for...
Philder's Story
Philder’s in-laws began threatening her family soon after her husband died. But you helped her stand up to them, and they quickly realized they...
Trauma-Informed Police Interview Room Piloted in Uganda
Uganda Police Force and IJM Uganda have partners to design and furnish a model interview room for CID headquarters in Kampala. This is to be used...
Make Home a Safe Place Again
Hellen had no choice but to flee. The war that Joseph Kony waged across northern Uganda threatened her safety and the safety of her dependents....
Ugandan Teacher to Stand Trial for Sexual Abuse of Students
In April, IJM supported police to arrest a man who had been using his position as the headmaster of a school to sexually abuse the young boys in his...
Arrest for Domestic Violence in Uganda
In April 2019, IJM Uganda supported police to arrest a man who had repeatedly abused and threatened to kill his wife, Betty*.
Three Convictions for Domestic Violence in Uganda
This month, three men were convicted and sentenced for the crime of domestic violence in Gulu, Uganda.
12 Convictions for Sexual Violence Against Children in Uganda
Last week, IJM Uganda achieved a conviction in a case of sexual violence against a child that they had been told would be "hopeless" to win.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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