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Your tax-deductible year-end gift by Dec. 31 will be matched up to $700,000.

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The Philippines

IJM Helps Rescue Young Girls From Online Sex-Abuse Shows
Five girls between 9-12 years old are safe after being rescued this week from a home in a Filipino slum that had been turned into a cybersex...
Increase in Convictions in the Philippines Keep Children Safe, Traffickers Off the Streets
More than 35 survivors of trafficking will now be able to breathe a little easier. Last week, six traffickers were convicted for human trafficking...
Filipino Children as Young as 2 Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – A bulky desktop computer sits unplugged on the table in a police station. It looks harmless. But it’s not. It was once used...
Young Women Rescued From ‘VIP’ Rooms at Seemingly Innocuous Bar
Four young women who were once exploited in “VIP rooms” in a seedy bar in the Philippines are now free. This past month, the local anti-trafficking...
Australian Arrested in Philippines for Abusing School Children
Michael Refalo, a 61-year-old Australian national, is now behind bars, arrested on two charges of human trafficking by Philippine authorities. The...
IJM Training Exercise Leads to Rescue of Underage Girls
Four girls are now safe from being exploited in the local commercial sex trade, rescued by police only hours after an IJM training session. During...
Life Sentencing for American Expat Sends Strong Message to Sex Offenders Overseas
An American expat will spend the rest of his life behind bars for child sexual abuse crimes committed in the Philippines. A Los Angeles federal court...
Massive Operation in the Philippines Shows a Country Serious about Ending Human Trafficking
Eleven suspects were arrested at a high-end entertainment bar where women and girls were being trafficked and exploited for sex in the heart of...
IJM Pampanga Helps Rescue Young Women from Bar Under Sex Trafficking Investigation
A handwritten sign is still taped to the bar door: Gentlemen it’s time to close, it’s hotel and motel time. The message may be the last one the bar...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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