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After 7 Years, Woman Falsely Accused of Robbery with Violence is Cleared
On May 26th, 2022, almost seven years after Jacinta was falsely accused, the court acquitted Jacinta of all charges.
Headteacher sentenced to life in prison for sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl
Ten year old Rennie* bravely confided to her mother that her headteacher had sexually abused her in 2014. After eight years of seeking justice, the...
Child's brave testimony secures conviction and produces a strong warning
Little Vin* was only five when he was sexually assaulted by his neighbour. With the support of IJM Kenya, he and his family persevered despite...
One of IJM Kenya's longest-fought court battles ends in justice
Nearly eight years after little Jalia* was assaulted, the court found her perpetrator guilty and sentenced him to life in prison.
Grandmother’s dedication inspires fight for justice after granddaughter was sexually assaulted
A man has been sentenced to life in prison for sexually abusing an eight-year-old girl.
After Five Years, Murder Trial of IJM Colleague, IJM Client and Trusted Driver Progresses To Next Phase
The High Court has placed four police officers and a civilian on their defense for the murder of International Justice Mission lawyer Willie Kimani,...
Transformation in Kenyan justice system enables IJM project closure
After almost two decades, IJM Kenya is concluding its Sexual Violence Against Children project. The Kenyan justice system has dramatically...
Delayed Justice in Kenya
Today we mark five years since the murder of our colleague Willie Kimani, our client Josephat Mwenda and trusted driver Joseph Muiruri. Even as we...
First Arrest in IJM Child Sex Trafficking Project in Kenya
After five months of evading arrest, local police working with the Department of Children Services at the Kenyan coast recently secured the arrest of...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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