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A Desperate Father Escapes and a Path to Freedom Appears
When a desperate father escaped from a rice mill a few weeks ago, his first priority was to get medical help for his 2-year-old son with a heart...
Rose Farm Rescues Reveal Darker Side to Valentine's Day
This Valentine's Day, as millions purchase roses to give to loved ones, International Justice Mission is reminding buyers that there is a darker side...
IJM Interns/Fellows: Top Ten Moments From 2014
IJM teams around the world are celebrating the end of a very big year. To recap, we asked some of our interns and fellows to share ten moments...
A Tiny Church In A Mumbai Slum Gives A Giant Gift At Christmas
Two women sit quietly on a tile floor in a Mumbai slum and carefully piece together bits of green and orange fabric in an intricate design. Sunlight...
Survivors of Sex Trafficking Share What It Means To Be Beautiful
Every twenty-something woman has ideas on what it means to be beautiful. A small group of young women gathered in India’s largest city take turns...
What I Found In A Name
By: Tierney Ducharme
Runaway Slaves Get Help for Loved Ones Still Trapped
The smell of burnt charcoal clings to Kalappa’s* skin as he speaks. He raises his eyes and looks at the government official standing in front of him.
After Two Failed Attempts, 14 Young Women Are Finally Set Free in Kolkata
After more than 40 hours of waiting and two failed attempts, IJM helped police rescue 14 young women from sex trafficking in a roadside brothel,...
Rescue in Mumbai: Police and IJM Discover a Brothel’s Secret Hiding Spot
Getting inside the brothel was the first challenge: A manager sits outside a locked gate and screens customers. Behind the gate, a thick curtain...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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