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First Trafficking Convictions for IJM Ghana
Three boys enslaved on Ghana’s Lake Volta are free thanks to the efforts of IJM and Ghanaian partners. These children, ages 8, 13 and 15 had been...
Children Rescued from Slavery in Ghana Graduate from Therapy
GHANA — Eight children rescued out of slavery in Ghana recently graduated from a course of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions. The...
23 Children Held as Slaves on Island in Ghana are Free
Two girls and 21 boys between the ages of 6-16 years old were rescued out of slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana the last week in April. Two...
“I Will Go to School," 8-Year-Old Rescued in Ghana
Two boys were rescued out of slavery last week by the Ghana Anti-Human Trafficking police with support from International Justice Mission. The...
Trafficked Children Hidden Under Bed During Rescue in Ghana
The Ghana Police Service and Ghana Department of Social Welfare with assistance from International Justice Mission rescued six trafficked children...
Six Children Free in Two Simultaneous Rescues in Ghana
This week, police and IJM rescued five children and arrested two suspected traffickers in an operation in Ghana. The youngest child, a 6-year-old...
Kofi Was Enslaved on Lake Volta at 8 Years Old
Kofi remembers the day he left home. He was 8 years old. His mother introduced him to a nice man. The man told him he’d take Kofi to live with him...
Anti-Trafficking Police Rescue Children in Ghana
The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and local police rescued two boys forced to fish on Lake Volta last month, with support from IJM. Heavy rain...
"The Deep Place" Wins a Webby Award!
International Justice Mission’s “The Deep Place” video has been nominated for a Webby Award, called the “Internet’s highest honor” by The New York...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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