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Three Boys Free in Ghana: “I Do Not Want to Go Back There”
The Ghana police and Department of Social Welfare joined IJM on June 20th to carry out an operation to bring three boys identified as trafficking...
Rescue in Ghana Leads to Freedom for 12-Year-Old Boy
GHANA – On November 12, police and IJM conducted an operation that resulted in the rescue of one 12-year-old boy from suspected slavery in the...
Meet Godwin
Godwin was a bright young boy who loved to learn in school. When he was 17 years old, a woman claiming to be his relative offered to take him on a...
Three Boys Freed from Trafficking and Child Labor in a Fishing Business in Ghana
Three boys, estimated to be 9, 11 and 16 years old were rescued last month in a collaboration between police, the anti-trafficking unit and the...
Girl Pulled Out of School and Forced to Process Fish Rescued Along with Two Other Boys
ACCRA, GHANA – In May, Ghanaian police, the Department of Social Welfare and IJM conducted an operation to rescue three children, two boys and one...
Four Boys Rescued, Four Suspects Arrested in Ghana
Last week, four boys ages 11, 13, 15 and 16, were rescued by IJM and our partners from the fishing industry on Lake Volta.d
Freedom for Boy Forced to Fish While Sick
In late January, IJM and partners worked diligently to rescue three young boys ages 9, 10, and 12. The children spent around seven months to two...
Five Children in Ghana Will Spend Christmas in Freedom
In late November, IJM and partners rescued four boys and one girl between the ages of 8 and 15 who had been trafficked into the dangerous fishing...
Lost in slavery on Lake Volta
On the day Esther left home with this woman, nobody gave the situation a second thought. When she arrived on the shores of Lake Volta, nobody called...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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