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Boat Patrol Program Begins Rescuing Children on Lake Volta
A new boat patrol unit rescuing children on Lake Volta means there are fewer places for traffickers to hide.
Robert's Story
Robert* was about eight years old when a man named Kaku* came to his family’s home and promised to enroll him in school. Hoping for a better future,...
Human Trafficker Sentenced to Five Years Imprisonment, Ordered to Pay 20,000 Cedi Compensation to Victim
ACCRA, GHANA – The Jasikan Circuit Court, in the Jasikan District of the Oti Region on 20th September 2022, sentenced a 45-year-old fisherman to a...
Ghana Young Journalist Fellowship Program
As part of IJM Ghana’s efforts to increase awareness of human trafficking through the use of mass media and also maintain a strategic relationship...
Survivors Come Together to Fight Child Trafficking
Organizations across Ghana gathered to raise the voices of survivors and educate the community on child trafficking. The Senior Lead for the Global...
Rescue Operation in Tamale, Ghana
In late April, the Ghana Police and the Department of Social Welfare led a rescue operation to bring nine suspected victims of trafficking to safety...
Hope's Story
Hope was just a 13-year-old boy when a woman came to his village in Ghana sharing news of a man looking to hire local boys. The woman promised Hope’s...
UPDATE: Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare Partner with IJM to Rescue a 10-Year-Old Boy
Earlier this month, IJM worked with the Ghana Police Service and Department of Social Welfare to rescue a 10-year-old boy who had been trafficked to...
Launch of Marine Boat Patrol Pilot in Ghana
Marine Police personnel from the Ghana Police Service gathered to begin three weeks of classroom instruction as preparation for launching a boat...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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