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Hope's Story

2022 Campaign 5 - Boy with boat, Lake Volta

“Is this how my life is going to end?”

Help rescue children like Hope from modern-day slavery

Hope was just a 13-year-old boy when a woman came to his village in Ghana sharing news of a man looking to hire local boys. The woman promised Hope’s family that if he came with her, he would be sent to school and given opportunities that he would never find at home.

Driven by their dream for a better future, both Hope and his mother agreed he should go.

So Hope left his family and soon learned he would not be given the opportunities he was promised. Instead, he became one of thousands who are currently enslaved in Ghana’s fishing industry — many under the age of 10.

Thousands of children like Hope are enslaved on Lake Volta, working long hours in Ghana’s massive fishing industry. Give today to help rescue children enslaved on Lake Volta and worldwide.

2022 Campaign 5 - Hope

Hope was enslaved on the lake for five long years, enduring fear, abuse, and the constant risk of drowning. Out on the water, nets sometimes became snagged, and Hope would have to slip under the water’s surface to try to free them before he ran out of air. More than once, he thought he would not make it out alive.

But thanks to your support, our rescue team in Ghana found Hope and rescued him from the abuse he endured while enslaved on Lake Volta. Today he is studying to be an electrician while leading our Ghana survivor group and is committed to helping IJM rescue all the kids still awaiting freedom on Lake Volta.

IJM is actively working with authorities in Ghana to rescue children from Lake Volta. As we prepare to send more teams onto the water, please give now to help rescue vulnerable children.

In addition to the thousands currently enslaved in Ghana, there are many more young children from regions across Ghana who are still at risk of being separated from their families and trafficked into forced fishing labor.

We won’t stop until all are free. But we need your help. Please give today to help rescue victims of slavery and restore the lives of survivors.

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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