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Gary Haugen on Ending Police Violence in Kenya


Gary Haugen on Ending Police Violence in Kenya

A message from Gary Haugen about the devastation we experienced in Kenya.
Gary Haugen on Ending Police Violence in Kenya

One year ago, IJM—and myself—were forever changed. My colleague Willie Kimani, our client Josephat Mwenda and their driver Joseph Muiruri went missing after leaving a court hearing for Josephat, who was falsely accused of a crime. Eight days later, the three men were found dead.

I had the opportunity to meet Willie’s widow, Hannah, and their two young children. As your prayers and love poured in from across the world, they knew Willie had died in service of a great cause and a great God. They knew that Willie had been fearless in standing up to those in power. And for that, he paid the ultimate cost—his life.

His example continues to inspire us. Indeed, his death and those of his friends have not silenced us—they will only make us louder. It is your tenacity and generosity that will ensure every Kenyan police officer is willing and able to protect each and every Kenyan citizen.

You are making sure the lives of Willie, Joseph and Josephat are honored and not forgotten. With your help, justice for the poor will not be an exception, but the norm.

Will you join us in this fight by giving to Kenya?


Gary Haugen

P.S. Your generosity is crucial to end police violence in Kenya, and every dollar you give to Kenya will:

Protect the poor.

By equipping prosecutors and investigators with the skills needed to win convictions and protect the poor in court, you are holding corrupt police accountable for their actions.

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Fuel a movement.

There is a movement in Kenya demanding that government effectively oversees law enforcement. Not only will your gifts encourage and equip good police officers, but it will help build a coalition of local advocacy groups, nonprofits, churches and citizens to prove police can be held accountable. With your help, the movement to end police abuse of power will grow and become unstoppable.

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Keep staff safe and fearless.

In an increasingly dangerous environment, you can keep our staff safe as they continue to advocate on behalf of the poor. Your generosity will provide more equipment, training and security for our growing team in Kenya.


You can help finish Willie’s fight and end police abuse of power in Kenya.

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