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Breaking News

Boat Patrol Program Begins Rescuing Children on Lake Volta
A new boat patrol unit rescuing children on Lake Volta means there are fewer places for traffickers to hide.
IJM Peru and Paz y Esperanza Host Survivors Retreat
IJM Peru and NGO partner hosted the “More than Conquerors” retreat for child survivors of sexual violence in central Peru.
Malaysian Law Enforcement, Prosecutors Trained in Victim-centered Response to Human Trafficking
180 law enforcement officers and deputy public prosecutors took part in the “Victim-Centered Response to Trafficking-in-Persons (TIP)” trainings...
Five Traffickers Face Up to 15 Years in Prison for Child Exploitation Online
Five Filipino women who sexually abused and exploited children to make money online have been sentenced to a maximum of 15 years in prison.
Two Men to Spend Decades in Prison for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Two traffickers who sexually abused children for profit online were each sentenced to serve up to 35 years in prison.
Four Convicted in Philippines for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
In a landmark month for the fight against online sexual exploitation of children, four people were convicted in Jan. 2023, including two female...
Indian Government Frees Man Trapped in Forced Labor for 10 Years
On Feb. 25, government officials rescued a 23-year-old man from a construction site where he had been trapped for nearly half his life. The officials...
Survivor’s Speech Paints Freedom as ‘Bangles Instead of Chains’
The first time Latha shared about her life she left officials stunned.
Indian Government Inspection Leads to Four Freed from Mango Grove
On Feb. 4, four adults were liberated from six years of labor exploitation at a mango grove thanks to proactive government officials and a group of...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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