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Breaking News

IJM Helps Peruvian National Police Produce User-Friendly Guide on how to Interact with Minors
LIMA, PERU – On August 18, 2023, over 200 representatives of the Peruvian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police and IJM Peru attended the...
IJM Uganda Helps Bring Justice to a Mother of Twins
“You saved me,” the mother of twins sees her husband convicted after he repeatedly assaulted her for asking him to help with child support.
Court Completes Speedy Trial in Case of Attempted Murder of a Woman at the Hands of her Partner
On July 25, 2023, after a swift three months trial, the Chief Magistrates Court in Gulu sentenced the perpetrator to 3 years of imprisonment for the...
International Conference Tackles Global Trends in Crimes Against Women
TAMIL NADU, INDIA — For the first time in Tamil Nadu, IJM and the State Commission for Women (TNSCW) jointly organized an international conference on...
Ugandan Teen Convicted for Sexually Assaulting a 3-year-old
Through the collaborative efforts of IJM Uganda and the local police, justice prevailed when the 19-year-old man was arrested for sexually abusing...
Nine-year court battle ends with man sentenced to 70 years in prison
On August 8, 2023, with intervention by IJM Kenya, authorities and the brave testimony of two siblings, the man, who is suspected of having abused...
Eight-year trail ends for a policeman who murdered an innocent man
A court in Kenya has convicted and jailed a police officer for seven years for the brutal killing of an innocent man. The conviction of the officer...
Trafficker Gets Four Life Sentences for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children
Arrested after offering to sexually abuse her 6-year-old son and a one-year-old girl for profit, a 32-year-old trafficker has been sentenced to four...
28 Indonesians Victims of Human Trafficking Were Rescued from Cambodia and Repatriated Home
Cambodia – On October 4, 2023, 28 Indonesian victims of forced scamming were safely repatriated from Cambodia to Indonesia with assistance from the...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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