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Breaking News

First Arrest as IJM Gulu Takes on Domestic Violence
On April 26, 2018, a man who had brutally beaten his wife over many years was arrested by police in Gulu, Uganda. This is the first case of domestic...
Police Rescue Three Children from Cybersex Trafficking in Back-to-Back Operations
CEBU, PHILIPPINES—IJM’s team in Cebu supported two successful operations this week that brought three young girls to safety and led to the arrest of...
Rice Mill Owner Convicted for Enslaving 24
Nearly 11 years after they were rescued from slavery at a large rice mill, 24 children, women and men have now secured justice. The mill owner who...
Local Officials Go Above and Beyond to Free 147 from Slavery at a Brick Kiln
Last week, nearly 150 children, women and men were rescued from bonded labor slavery in a single Indian brick kiln, thanks to the diligent work of...
Australian National Convicted in the Philippines, Sentenced to Life in Prison
A Philippine court convicted two traffickers—including Drew Frederick Shobbrook, an Australian national living in the Philippines—for sexually...
Trained Officials Free 15 from a Life of Slavery Cutting Wood
As soon as Sub-Collector Mr. VP Jayaseelan heard about families being forced to work in a local wood-cutting unit, he knew exactly what to do:...
Seven Sex Traffickers Convicted for Exploiting 13 Minors in the Dominican Republic
On January 22, a Dominican court held trial until 10:30 at night, deliberated for an hour, and then found seven sex traffickers guilty of selling...
Nine Children Rescued from Remote Island in the Philippines, Thanks to Canadian Tip
One little girl was hidden behind a door. Another was riding her bike in the neighborhood. Another was at a Girl Scouts meeting. But IJM and...
Caught Red-Handed, Cybersex Trafficking Suspects Run from Police
Police chased the suspects along the main road as people shopped and dined along this busy street in Manila. The police caught up and arrested the...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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