Breaking News
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
Year-Long Investigation Leads to Rescue, and Children Are Now Safe
A year of diligent investigations resulted in this week’s rescue of four victims: two young women, a teenage boy and a 12-year-old girl.
August 13
Anti-Trafficking Police Rescue Children in Ghana
The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) and local police rescued two boys forced to fish on Lake Volta last month, with support from IJM. Heavy rain...
August 09
Sex Trafficking
Two Men Convicted in Cross-Border Sex Trafficking Case
Five years after their rescue, two teen girls from Bangladesh can rest easier knowing the law is on their side.
August 02
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
IJM, Police Travel to Bring Rescue to Three Children
In back-to-back operations, police caught two women who offered to sexually abuse children and livestream the abuse to customers abroad paying to...
August 01
Six Families Trapped in a Chicken Farm are Finally Freed
“Wherever you go, I’ll come there and bring you back.”
July 19
Parents and Nine Children Rescued from Slavery at a Farm
BANGALORE, INDIA – Two tiny children got their first taste of freedom this week, as IJM and local law enforcement rescued their family of 11 from...
June 26
Sex Trafficking
Operation Frees Six Venezuelan Women from Sex Trafficking in the DR
In an expertly executed rescue operation last Friday, anti-trafficking officials in the Dominican Republic have freed six young Venezuelan women from...
June 25
Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC)
European Referral Leads to Rescue of Five Children Outside Manila
TARLAC, PHILIPPINES – This week, on the outskirts of Metro Manila, anti-trafficking police arrested a mother who offered to sexually abuse children...
June 18
Desperate Mother and Children Reunited During 3 Back-to-Back Rescues
We were reminded once again of the cruelty of modern-day slavery this weekend—as IJM and local officials helped reunite a terrified mother and with...
June 06