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Breaking News

Senior Police Officer Convicted of Murder in Kenya
A senior police officer was convicted today after he was found guilty of murder in a high-profile case of police abuse in Kenya.
Five Children Under 11 Rescued as Mother is Arrested
ILIGAN CITY, PHILIPPINES — This week, diligent investigations and more than a month of surveillance led police to rescue five children—all under the...
Six Children Free in Two Simultaneous Rescues in Ghana
This week, police and IJM rescued five children and arrested two suspected traffickers in an operation in Ghana. The youngest child, a 6-year-old...
Criminal Network Selling Hundreds of Girls Begins to Topple
Mumbai police and the IJM team have secured a much-awaited breakthrough in the fight against sex trafficking this fall.
12 Convictions for Sexual Violence Against Children in Uganda
Last week, IJM Uganda achieved a conviction in a case of sexual violence against a child that they had been told would be "hopeless" to win.
Six Women Rescued From Sexual Exploitation
After six months of investigations, IJM supported a rescue operation led by the Dominican Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) that brought freedom to...
Six Rescued Children Now Dream of Home
An urgent rescue operation on Thursday brought 11 people to freedom in southern India, including six children and one baby who had grown up in...
Rescue Reunites Boys with Mother After Six Years in Slavery
A dramatic rescue operation this week brought two young boys to freedom in southern India, ending years of their mother’s desperate searching.
Six Freed from Mumbai Brothel amid a Busy Festival Season
On Saturday, IJM staff supported senior anti-human trafficking police on a rescue operation to free six girls and young women from exploitation in a...

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Petra Kooman

Director of Marketing and Public Relations
519.679.5030 x.229

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